About Global Business News

EdCohen1“In a global, interconnected economy, jobs will flow to the nations with the best training and education. “

– Larry Fink, Chairman & CEO, BlackRock 

Well, that just about says it all… about why GlobalBusinessNews  can be important to you and your organization.

Bom Dia, Olá, Hola y bienvenidos, konnichiwa, nǐ hǎo, Aahn-nyong Ha-say-oh, Marhaba, and Shalom. Hello and Welcome.

It’s in our DNA to bring business people together from across time-zones, cultures and borders within a collaborative, educational format to exchange ideas and this just might enable problem-solving and form a foundation for ‘innovation’.

To help you prepare you are invited to PARTICIPATE in ongoing corporate GLOBAL RESEARCH on the theme, GOING GLOBAL, LESSONS LEARNED …please click here.  The findings will be discussed throughout the year at the LIVE conference workshops as well as on the radio and in the magazine.  


Here are some questions to consider about ‘GOING’ GLOBAL’…

How has ‘international business’ impacted your career?

How has it impacted your business operations?

How has it impacted your own attitudes?  

Do you now work differently?  If yes, tell us how.  

How will talent be acquired, from where? 

How will the talent be trained and developed? 

How will it be deployed and will the relocation benefits serve ‘leadership development’ or will the relocation create additional problems? 

What about ‘succession planning’ and the ‘next assignment’ utilizing the new skills developed from the relocation experience?



All of this relates to market development and expanding global business. 

For the world will be living in, leadership needs to develop an enhanced Global Mindset and learn what it will take for organizations and companies to “win” in globalization and deal better with seemingly “light-speed” business and economic changes. 

Dynamic, shifting global business opportunity is causing leadership strategy to change and this shift is resulting in capital re-allocations and this will impact workforce planning. 

Would you like to be our special guest interview?  Would you like to become an editorial contributor? Would you like to be a conference workshop faculty member?

• value your time and resources.
• rovide content designed for solutions.
• take-away practical info, new contacts.
GlobalBusinessNews  offers 100% guarantee on education quality and usefulness. 

Please contact me directly… edcohen@globalbusinessnews.net